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How to open a bank account

By Greater Bank

How do I open a bank account? What do I need to open a bank account? Can I open a bank account online? These are the questions we aim to answer.

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Understanding your payslip

By Greater Bank

So you’ve started your first job and are stinging for payday? Avoid confusion when reviewing your payslip by understanding how it works and how income tax affects your take home pay.

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Joint Accounts and How They Work

By Greater Bank

Traditionally the sign that a relationship is becoming official, a joint account can come in handy for couples, as long as you agree in advance on how to manage it.

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Secrets of a successful saver

By Greater Bank

Growing your savings balance can seem like an uphill battle for the uninitiated. It doesn’t have to be hard work – here’s how to save smarter and get ahead.

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